Saturday, 26 September 2009

another post after holiday.

hey ya. :)
first of all, I really want to say :
Happy Eid Fitri to those who celebrate it.
please forgive all of my mistakes. let them go away, and I'll let yours go away too. lol.
I know It's kinda late to say, but never too late to apologize to each other rite?

err, btw I was arrived yesterday at home, after a-week-holiday in Palembang.
and I'm in a good mood to write a new entry for my beloved blog.
I and my cousins went shopping for Eid Fitri, went around 3 malls for about 10 hours, playing at game-center, jogging from 5 am until 7 am, and doing some other crazy things together. :)
holiday was so much fun actually,
and I still tired after 9 hours trip to go back to Bengkulu
but when I was in Palembang, I got so much homesick.
I REALLY miss my daddy, my big family, my classmates, my ex-junior high school classmates, my lovely laptop and modem, and my own bedroom! *gees.
oh, and one more thing that I really miss about Bengkulu is about how I can go where ever and when ever I want without afraid of being stuck in traffic-jam for a while. lol.

btw, I was doing some twitter party together with all of the Indonesian Arch Angels, we just tweeting #indonesiawantsdavidarchie start from 8 pm until 12 pm.
We haven't made #indonesiawantsdavidarchie a Trending Topics though, but We'll keep on trying as far as We could. *wink.

okay, thts all. feel so tired rite now, got one more thing to do after this : go to bed and sleep. lol.
danke sehr, hve a nice sleep, and hve a lotta good dreams too! :)


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