Friday, 8 March 2013


Back to my blog...
First things first, it's already March 8th here.
Happy International Women's Day to all empowering and wonderful women all over the world!
Today's Friday, I suppose to have a morning class today,
But last night my friend told me that there'll be no class due to our Data Management lecture is still out of town, and she's not sure that she could make it here on time.
So here I am, trying to type something on my blog, like I've promised myself before.
I woke up this morning feeling a little bit gloomy,
My back lower left gum hurts, and it's somewhat swollen now.
The pain doesn't appear frequently (Thank God, or else I'd feel like it's killing me slowly),
but it sure is annoying especially when I move my jaw, talk, and it hurts mostly whenever I ear, chew, or swallow food.
So I've to tilt my head a little bit, using only my right jaw to chew food, so it won't hurt that bad.
My dorm mates think I might have wisdom teeth growing so that's why my gum hurts.
That's why I'm about to leave my dorm to visit a dentist this morning.
I'm hoping it is only my wisdom teeth, not the other dental problem worse than it. (Please, don't let it be impacted teeth.)
Catch y'all later!


SoTD:  Kate Nash - Mouthwash


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