Saturday, 12 June 2010

Keep on gambling, don't stop.

Hey guys,
It's been a long time I haven't written a post almost the last two months here.
The wait is over guys, final examinations have been done today.
It was a very hard week for me.
I had to stay awake until midnite almost everyday to study.
Though I have already studied hard for this weekend, but you know that It wasn't enough at all.
Because some of the questions on the test were kinda hard.
I had already tried to do It by myself, but I can't.
Or asking my friends about the answer, but They didn't know.

So guess what did I do next? Cheating? Trying to find the answer on study book? - NO, You're wrong.

The right answer is this:
-I Gambled-

No, no We're not talking about the new generation of Apple gadgets.
By gamble here, I mean that I'm looking the options of every questions, then I choose the one which I think that I'd be appropriate as the answer, or It have some similarity with the questions randomly. HA! I know by doing that, my possibility to have good score will be decreased, but just like most of teachers ever said that, It's better to answer the questions randomly rather than letting your answer sheet clear, without any answers.
Now, I'm looking forward for any possibility of remedies during class meeting next Monday, wish me luck guys! So I won't get too many remedies for this semester tests!

N.B. : By the way, happy belated birthday for two of my classmates Anes, and Lesia! Wishing both of you all the best forward! GBU sweeties! :)

SoTD: David Archuleta - Running

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