Tuesday, 29 December 2009

two days before 2009 ended.

phew, finally got day off during this last week of 2009..
there were a bunch of great moment during this week.

first, I and my junior high school fellas had a little reunion, we watched new moon at cinema. etc. *well actually I am just not really into that movie for honest, It wasn't worst, actually It was only a lil bit suck.

and then second, I got Franz Ferdinand
latest album - Tonight. yay!! I can't explain how I feel about that. I was so exciting! yeah yeah yeah! :D
*although I haven't got Arctic Monkeys latest album - humbug till now - well perhaps I'll get that album 3 or 4 weeks later :)

and this will be the last thing for today, yesterday was David Archie's 19th birthday anniversary. :) and I was busy tweeting using #HappyBdayArchie in my every tweets to make It become one of the Trending Topics on twitter. :)

David and his birthday cake.
looking good, I love that blue cake - and absolutely, HIM too! :)
zum geburstag lieber Archie, zum geburstag viel gluck!

SOTD - Panic! at The Disco - Killer Queen (Cover)

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