Sunday, 4 October 2009

the outstanding october.

how are you? wish all of you are in fcukin' good condition now. :)

September has gone, so now October RULES!
you may feel curious why I really love October, honestly It's just because I was born this month.
more specific : I was born on 2nd of October which is also known as INDONESIAN BATIK DAY!

I got a lot of surprise greetings from all of my 3-years-classmates in junior high school,
They sent me birthday greetings via messages, my facebook, friendster, myspace, and twitter account. They even call me three times just to say 'happy birthday' to me. :)
Yeah, and my new classmates in senior high school too, They also sent me birthday greetings via messages together at about 12.00 am. *I was speechless, They were all awesome fellas! :D

last Friday nite : my elder cousins and his wife *pengantin baru nih, hha. asked me to go with them, to mega mall. jadi ceritanya nih ya berhubung gue lagi birthday, gue ditraktirin dinner sama mereka. and now that's what I call a birthday : gue yang ditraktir, bukan gue yang traktirin. *maunya gue aja itu namanya. lol.
next, we went to gramed and They asked me to buy some books as my birthday gifts. gue sih pengen ngambil novel biasa yang 50K aja, kan ga kira-kira jga kalo gue mau ngambil yang sejenis The Lost Symbol-nya Dan Brown yang harganya sekitar 240K-an.
ga taunya, pas gue kasih tau gue ngambil satu aja, eh gue malah disuruh balik lagi.. suruh ambil lagi buku yg gue mau. kinda lucky bastard, though. lol.

yesterday : there was an unexpectedly moment happened. ;)

and for today, I was terribly happy to see that finally Stoner can take the 2nd podium of Estoril, after out of action for three races. yay! :D

It's almost 12 am now, and tomorrow is Monday. so I gotta go to sleep now, or I'm gonna be late 2g2 school tomorrow.

nite all, have a nice dream. and see y'all soon! :)

SOTD : Arctic Monkeys - Pretty Visitor

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